Monday, January 18, 2010

Bow Camera Did Obama Bow To The King?

Did Obama Bow to the King? - bow camera

As president, Obama the king of Saudi Arabia arrived, so that the cameras captured what Obama is really like a bow, shake hands with the king (too?)
The White House and never very elloqent Press Sec Gibbs swear it was a rainbow ... Obama is much higher than it give a bit of reach in the hands of kings.
But the camera angle shows him greeting a foreign king, a dictator High Mucky Muck!
A statement by the White House, just like Bull?
What do you think of America?
Please share your thoughts at any time, if desired, and the reaction in the No Spin Zone ... Madness ... at home!


Smart Kat said...

I think a lot has happened to the bow, but it is clear that this is an arc. And the fact is that the White House, what is more worrisome than the bow.

pjkondor... said...

If Obama is indeed elected Secretary Gibbs, a total idiot with no brain who can not speak (as is likely, frankly, is why you are someone in the administration has to look even more stupid that Obama and Biden.) And I'm 100% full and entirely with those who said it was an insult to the Queen Elizabeth II agreed to.

Absolutely and totally shameful.

The Saint said...

Obviously he did not bend the Saudi king, a gesture that will not renew and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, it was not only an expression of their loyalty, you are, but an insult to all the Unite Kingdom.

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